Clinical application of flow cytometry in patients with unexplained cytopenia and suspected myelodysplastic syndrome: A report of the European LeukemiaNet International MDS‐Flow Cytometry Working Group


Loosdrecht Arjan A.1,Kern Wolfgang2,Porwit Anna3,Valent Peter4,Kordasti Sharham5,Cremers Eline6,Alhan Canan1,Duetz Carolien1,Dunlop Alan7,Hobo Willemijn8,Preijers Frank8,Wagner‐Ballon Orianne910ORCID,Chapuis Nicolas1112ORCID,Fontenay Michaela1112,Bettelheim Peter13,Eidenschink‐Brodersen Lisa14,Font Patricia15,Johansson Ulrika16,Loken Michael R.14,Marvelde Jeroen G.17,Matarraz Sergio18,Ogata Kiyoyuki19,Oelschlaegel Uta20,Orfao Alberto18,Psarra Katherina21,Subirá Dolores22ORCID,Wells Denise A.14,Béné Marie C.23ORCID,Della Porta Matteo G.2425,Burbury Kate26,Bellos Frauke2,Velden Vincent H. J.17ORCID,Westers Theresia M.1,Saft Leonie27,Ireland Robin28


1. Department of Hematology, Amsterdam UMC location VU University Medical Center, Cancer Center Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands

2. MLL Munich Leukemia Laboratory Munich Germany

3. Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Oncology and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine Lund University Lund Sweden

4. Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology and Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Hematology and Oncology Medical University of Vienna Vienna Austria

5. Comprehensive Cancer Centre King's College London London UK

6. Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hematology Maastricht University Medical Center Maastricht The Netherlands

7. Department of Haemato‐Oncology Royal Marsden Hospital London UK

8. Department of Laboratory Medicine ‐ Laboratory of Hematology Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen The Netherlands

9. Department of Hematology and Immunology, Assistance Publique‐Hôpitaux de Paris University Hospital Henri Mondor Créteil France

10. Université Paris‐Est Créteil, Inserm U955 Créteil France

11. Laboratory of Hematology, Assistance Publique‐Hôpitaux de Paris, Cochin Hospital Centre‐Université de Paris Paris France

12. Institut Cochin Université de Paris, INSERM U1016, CNRS UMR 8104 Paris France

13. Department of Hematology Ordensklinikum Linz, Elisabethinen Linz Austria

14. HematoLogics, Inc. Seattle Washington USA

15. Department of Hematology Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañon – IiSGM Madrid Spain

16. Laboratory Medicine, SI‐HMDS University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust Bristol UK

17. Laboratory Medical Immunology, Department of Immunology Erasmus MC, University Medical Center Rotterdam Rotterdam The Netherlands

18. Cancer Research Center (CIC/IBMCC‐USAL/CSIC), Department of Medicine and Cytometry Service University of Salamanca, Institute for Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL) and CIBERONC Salamanca Spain

19. Metropolitan Research and Treatment Centre for Blood Disorders (MRTC Japan) Tokyo Japan

20. Department of Internal Medicine University Hospital Carl‐Gustav‐Carus TU Dresden Dresden Germany

21. Department of Immunology – Histocompatibility Evangelismos Hospital Athens Greece

22. Department of Hematology, Flow Cytometry Unit Hospital Universitario de Guadalajara Guadalajara Spain

23. Hematology Biology Nantes University Hospital and CRCINA Nantes France

24. IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital Milan Italy

25. Department of Biomedical Sciences Humanitas University Milan Italy

26. Department of Haematology Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, and University of Melbourne Melbourne Australia

27. Department of Clinical Pathology, Division of Hematopathology Karolinska University Hospital and Institute Stockholm Sweden

28. Department of Haematology and SE‐HMDS King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust London UK


Horizon 2020 Framework Programme

European Commission

Austrian Science Fund




Cell Biology,Histology,Pathology and Forensic Medicine







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