Heading in the right direction in 2023? Post‐flood lessons toward building a water‐resilient Pakistan


Naveed Arooj1ORCID


1. Independent Researcher Lahore Pakistan


AbstractThe 2022 monsoon season presented the worst‐case scenario for Pakistan in terms of what could have been visualized about water when in abundance and mismanaged. Consequently, the very foundation of the society and its people were affected. Post‐floods, as the country silently drifts toward becoming water scarce by 2025, there are valuable lessons that need to be contemplated upon for Pakistan to become water resilient. This discussion paper deliberates on this subject by introducing a policy brief on the background of the country's National Water Policy (NWP) and the 2022 floods that afflicted the lives of millions, submerging one‐third of the country. It goes on to explain insights into post‐flood lessons for the nation; these include equating water abundance and its insufficiency as a national security concern, active recognition and concentration for water management, appreciating the role of individuals, and not only working on policy formulation but its implementation as well. Conclusively, it presents institutional‐constitutional reforms as suggestions in the right direction for building a water‐resilient Pakistan. These include prioritizing water, creating water spaces and leadership, debating the idea of climate–water injustice and building community resilience, addressing subnational water conflicts, channelizing water concerns through media, considering the umbrella framework of water needs, wants, and excess, establishing water laws, practicing the policy of no corruption, and reviewing the 1991 Water Accord while maintaining the Indus Water Treaty (IWT).




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Public Administration,Water Science and Technology,Ecology,Geography, Planning and Development

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