New perspectives on carbon reinforced concrete structures—Why new composites need new design strategies


Curbach Manfred1,Hegger Josef2,Bielak Jan2ORCID,Schmidt Christopher2,Bosbach Sven2,Scheerer Silke1,Claßen Martin2,Simon Jaan‐Willem2,Maas Hans‐Gerd1,Vollpracht Anya2,Koch Andreas2,Hahn Lars1,Butler Marko1,Beckmann Birgit1ORCID,Adam Viviane2,Cherif Chokri1,Chudoba Rostislav2,Gries Thomas2,Günther Edeltraud1,Kaliske Michael1,Klinkel Sven2,Löhnert Stefan1,Lautenschläger Thea1,Matschei Thomas2,Mechtcherine Viktor1,Nagel Wolfgang E.1,Neinhuis Christoph1,Niemeyer Alice2,Noennig Jörg Rainer1,Raupach Michael2,Reese Stefanie2,Scheffler Christina3,Schladitz Frank1,Traverso Marzia2,Marx Steffen1


1. Technische Universität Dresden Dresden Germany

2. Rheinisch‐Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen University Aachen Germany

3. Leibniz‐Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden Dresden Germany


AbstractIn civil engineering, carbon is typically regarded as a modern material to serve as reinforcement in concrete structures. Compared to steel reinforcement, it features two substantial benefits: It is not sensitive to corrosion, and has an enormously increased tensile strength. In contrast, carbon reinforcement is sensitive to lateral pressure and lacks the property of strain hardening. As a first step of establishing carbon reinforced concrete as a new building composite material, carbon reinforcement has basically served to replace the state‐of‐the‐art steel reinforcement. This target led to pioneering findings with respect to determining the material properties of the composite and developing advanced individual components. However, barely substituting steel by carbon does not allow to fully utilize the carbon's benefits while its disadvantageous properties reveal the limits of this approach. Instead, novel design principles are required to meet the material's nature aiming at appropriately using its beneficial properties. Currently, new construction principles are being researched for high‐performance building material combinations such as textile and carbon reinforced concrete. This paper provides an overview of baselines in the preliminary stages of this research. The overview includes history, inspiration, concrete matrices, non‐metallic reinforcement, structural elements, modeling, production, tomography, and sustainability. The objective of the study is to provide a baseline for the envisaged development of principles for future construction: radically new concepts for the design, modeling, construction, manufacturing, and use of sustainable, resource‐efficient building elements made of mineral building materials with the aim of entirely benefiting from the materials' potential.


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

California Department of Fish and Game




General Engineering

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