1. Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology ProgramNorth Carolina State UniversityBox 7646RaleighNC27695‐7646USA
2. Department of Forestry and Environmental ResourcesNorth Carolina State UniversityBox 7646RaleighNC27695‐7646USA
3. Weyerhaeuser Company505 North Pearl St.CentraliaWA98531USA
4. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department21187 County Road 4106LindaleTX75771USA
5. University of Georgia, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural ResourcesAthensGA30602‐2152USA
6. Department of BiologyGeorgia Southern UniversityP.O. Box 8042StatesboroGA30460USA
7. Department of Natural Resources ManagementTexas Tech UniversityP.O. Box 42125LubbockTX79409USA