1. The Angeles Clinic and Research Institute; Los Angeles California
2. Eli Lilly and Company; Indianapolis Indiana
3. Center for Dermatooncology of the University of Tuebingen; Tuebingen Germany
4. Department of General Medical Oncology; University Hospitals; Leuven Belgium
5. Medical Oncology and Immunotherapy; University Hospital of Siena; Siena Italy
6. Baylor Charles A. Sammons Cancer Center; Dallas Texas
7. Department of Medical Oncology, Hospital Clinic; Barcelona Spain
8. University of Manchester and Christie NHS Foundation Trust; Manchester United Kingdom
9. Samsung Medical Center; Seoul Korea
10. Department of Dermatology; University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein; Campus Kiel Kiel Germany
11. Elbe Kliniken Stade Buxtehude GmbH; Germany
12. Aix-Marseille University Hopital Timone APHM