1. C.Y. Choi Y.H. Lee “Treatment of Zinc Residues by Ausmelt Technology at Onsan Zinc Refinery,” Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology (REWAS ′99) Vol. II, I. Gaballah, J, Hager and R. Solozabal, Eds., Publication of TMS and INASMET, San Sebastian, Spain, 1999, 1613-1622
2. J.M. Floyd G.P. Swayn “An Update of Ausmelt Technology for Zinc and Lead Processing,” Zinc and Lead Processing, J.E. Dutrizac, J.A. Gonzalez, G.L. Bolton and P. Hancock, Eds., Canadian Institute Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Canada, 1998, 861-874
3. Lead Smelting Team “Annual Operation Result,” Korea Zinc Internal Report, 2000
4. J.M. Floyd G.A. Johnson “The Design of the Ausmelt Technology Smelting Unit for the Processing of Spent Pot Lining (SPL) to Portland Aluminium,” Global Symposium on Recycling, Waste Treatment and Clean Technology (REWAS ′99) Vol. II, I. Gaballah, J, Hager and R. Solozabal, Eds., Publication of TMS and INASMET, San Sebastian, Spain, 1999, 1005-1014
5. T. Sekiguchi S. Azuma “Slag Fuming at the Hachinohe Smelter,” Zinc and Lead Processing, J.E. Dutrizac, J.A. Gonzalez, G.L. Bolton and P. Hancock, Eds., Canadian Institute Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Canada, 1998, 299-311