1. The New York Times and Washington Post
2. From Battlefield to Newsroom: Ethical Implications of Drone Technology in Journalism
3. The Aesthetics of Posthuman Experience: The Presence of Journalistic, Citizen-generated and Drone Imagery
4. European Aviation Safety Agency. (2018 February 6).Opinion 01/2018: Unmanned aircraft system (UAS) operations in the “open” and specific categories. Retrieved fromhttps://www.easa.europa.eu/document‐library/opinions/opinion‐012018
5. European Commission. (2015 March 6).Riga declaration on remotely piloted aircraft (drones): “Framing the future of aviation”. Retrieved fromhttps://ec.europa.eu/transport/sites/transport/files/modes/air/news/doc/2015‐03‐06‐drones/2015‐03‐06‐riga‐declaration‐drones.pdf