1. CIRI – Centre International de Recherche en InfectiologieTeam « Immunology of Skin Allergy and Vaccination »Inserm, U1111Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1CNRS, UMR5308Ecole Normale Supérieure de LyonLyon University F‐69007 Lyon France
2. Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS) Auvergne Rhône‐AlpesApheresis UnitHôpital Lyon Sud Pierre Bénite France
3. Etablissement Français du Sang (EFS) Auvergne Rhône‐AlpesScientific Departements Saint‐Etienne France
4. Department of UrologyCenter for ImmunologyUniversity of Minnesota Minneapolis MN USA
5. GIMAP‐EA 3064Lyon University Saint‐Etienne France