1. , , , , , , , , , , and , “Prediction of the Fates of Organic Chemicals in Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Processes,” EPA draft report, Contracts 68-03-3027 and 68-03-3074, October 1983.
2. and , “The Stripping of Organic Chemicals in Biological Treatment Processes,” this issue.
3. , and , “The Adsorption of Organic Chemicals onto Biomass in Activated Sludge Processes,” presented at AIChE 1984 Winter National Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, March 11–14.
4. , , and , “Predictive Assessment of Priority Pollutant Bio-oxidation Kinetics in Activated Sludge,” this issue.
5. “Volatile Organics in Aeration Gases at Municipal Treatment Plants,” EPA-600/2-82-056 (NTIS PG82-227760).