1. Subprime Cities
2. The Financialization of Housing
3. Aalbers M.B.(2019).Financial Geographies of Real Estate and the City. A Literature Review (Financial Geography Working Paper #21).http://www.fingeo.net/wordpress/wp‐content/uploads/2019/01/FinGeoWP_Aalbers‐2019‐2.pdf(accessed 23 March 2021).
4. AHML. Agency for Housing and Mortgage Lending Research Centre(2015).Housing and the Mortgage Lending Market. Results for 2014.http://www.ahml.ru/common/img/uploaded/files/agency/reporting/quarterly/report4q2014_en.pdf(accessed 21 June 2016; webpage no longer available).
5. Sowing Seeds of Displacement: Gentrification and Food Justice in Oakland, CA