1. Studying the Determinants of Exposure: A Review of Methods
2. HowieRM JohnstoneJBG WestonP AitkenRJ GroatS.(1996).Workplace effectiveness of respiratory protective equipment for asbestos removal work. HSE Contract research report No. 112/1996 (Institute of Occupational Medicine ed.).Edinburgh. ISBN 978‐0‐7176‐1201‐7. Available fromhttps://www.hse.gov.uk/research/crr_pdf/1996/crr96112.pdf(Accessed 7th October 2020).
3. Efficacy of a Program to Prevent Beryllium Sensitization among New Employees at a Copper-Beryllium Alloy Processing Facility
4. Development and Evaluation of an Exposure Control Efficacy Library (ECEL)
5. A Study on the Substitution of Trichloroethylene as a Spot Remover in the Textile Industry