Who invented the color wheel?


Parkhurst Charles,Feller Robert L.




General Chemical Engineering,General Chemistry,Human Factors and Ergonomics

Reference45 articles.

1. We are indebted to several persons who over the years have contributed suggestins, corrected errors, provided new bibligraphical leads, or assited in various other ways, among them Ruth Johaston-Feller, Ulrich Middeldorf, William Heckscher, Carl Nordenfalk, Kay Sil berfeld. , , , and , and so Jean Stensland for Patiently Retyping many drafts. The most recent and useful studies in the science of color are Heinz Matile, Die Fabenlehre Philipp Ono Ranges 2nd ed., Macnder kunstverieg Munich-Mittenwald, 1979. and Thomas Lerch, Farbenlehre, in Reallexikon zur deuschen Kunstgeschihte, VII (1974), cods. 157–;274. We shall use the mordern terminology additive and subtractive throughout to indicate the Principles of mixing colored lights or colored lights or colored pigments, respectively, rather than historical usages, althought some of the older terms are perhaps more descriptive: colors… which our mind can attain free matter [as apposed to] those which we see interwoven in matter [F. Aguilonius (1613)30] or similarly the ingenious terms employed by James Christpher Le Blon, as Impalpable colors for our additive, additive, and material colors for our subtractive colors [as reported by cromwell Mortimer (1731)22]22 22]. Sometimes the Phrase color circle is spoken of as a color wheel and in at least four Instances as a color spiral.

2. Newton s Publishd circle has seven colors, although he held that sunlight contained immumerable colors. On the evolution of Newton's theory of color see the excellent recent study by Alan E. Shapiro. The evolving structure of Newton's theory of white light and color, lsis 7, 211–;233 (1980). Newton(1642–;1727) for 18 months after graduation from trinity College. Cambridge, returned home to Woolsthorpe to think and figure. a period spoken of as the most fruitful eighteen months in all the history of colors. In February 1672 he sent a letter to the Royal Society on this theory of light and colors (philos. Trabs. No. 80, February 19, 1672).

3. Isaac Newton

4. George Sarton, Discovery of the dispersion of light and of the nature of colour, lsis 14, 326 (1930): and Michael Roberts and Ebenezer Newton and the origin of colours G. Bell and Sons. London. 1934, Since the opposite pairs of colored lights in Newton;s diagram are complementary and should produce a perfect, or sunlight, white, we blieve this was the basis reason for his using a circalar diagram, although he wrote, I could never yet by mixing only two primary colors produce a perfect white (BK. l, pt. 2, prop. 6, prob. 2), and he observed not a circle but an oblong specitral image-. However, Newton completed the colors of his spectrum, were familiar to painters and dyers, and in this way, closed up the color circle into a band returning on itself (Wilhelm Ostwald, Colour Science, tr. J. Scott Taylor, Winsor and newton, London, 1931, l, p, 6]. The little circles on his remarkable diagram portional to the intensity of eachg color, and are suggestive of a sprial theory of colour, Amstendam, 1949, pp. 45–;47, and Richard S. Westfall, The development of Newton's theory of color, lsis 53, 339–;358(1962).

5. Sometimes referred to as Psychological primaries. See Color and Their Character, a Psychlogical Srudy, M Nijhoff, The Hague 1949, pp. 30 ff.. and p. 160 On the circular image, as opposed to the oblong image for a projected prismatic spectrum, see Westfall (1962), pp. 351 ff.

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