1. Introduction: Autofiction in English: The Story so Far
2. Harvey Giles. (2019).To decode white male rage first he had to write in his mother's voice: how Ben Lerner reinvented the social novel for a hyper‐self‐obsessed age.The New York Times Magazine(October 8 2019).https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/10/08/magazine/ben‐lerner‐topeka‐school.html(accessed July 5 2021).
3. Kalmbacher Colin. (2018).Parents with babies occupy ICE offices to demand reunification of children separated from families.Law & Crime(June 21 2018).https://lawandcrime.com/immigration/parents‐with‐babies‐occupy‐ice‐offices‐to‐demand‐reunification‐of‐children‐separated‐from‐families/(accessed July 5 2021).
4. Lea Richard Irvine Lindesay andArmistead Claire. (2019).Ben Lerner and Meena Kandasamy on autofiction: books podcast.The Guardian(December 17 2019).https://www.theguardian.com/books/audio/2019/dec/17/ben‐lerner‐and‐meena‐kandasamy‐on‐autofiction‐books‐podcast(accessed July 5 2021).