1. and The Determination of Tributyl Tin in Seawater and Oysters in Areas of High Pleasure Craft Activity, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, CM 1983, E:12(mimeo;)
2. TBT in UK estuaries, 1982-86. Evaluation of the environmental problem. In: Proceedings of Organotin Symposium of the Oceans '86 Conference, Washington, DC, September 23-25, 1986, Vol 4, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp 1324-1330
3. The distribution and potential toxic effects of TBT in UK estuaries during 1986
4. Shell thickening in Crassostrea gigas: Organotin antifouling or sediment induced?
5. Toxicity of TBT to bivalves: effects on reproduction, growth and survival. In: Proceedings of Organotin Symposium of the Oceans '86 Conference, Washington, DC, September 23-25, 1986, Vol 4, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, pp 1306-1313