1. Hôpital Tenon; Service De Neuro-Urologie Et D'Explorations Perineales; Paris France
2. Urological Department of Traumatological Clinic; Traumatological Hospital, School of Medicine, Masaryk University; Brno Czech Republic
3. Thomayer Hospital and 1st and 3rd Faculty of Medicine; Charles University; Prague Czech Republic
4. Cardiff University and University Hospital of Wales; Cardiff United Kingdom
5. Department of Neuro-Urology; Careggi University Hospital; Florence Italy
6. Astellas Pharma Europe; Global Data Science; Leiden The Netherlands
7. Department of Medical Affairs; Formerly at Astellas Pharma Europe; Chertsey United Kingdom
8. Department of Urology; KU Leuven, University Hospitals Leuven; Leuven Belgium