1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou 450001 China
The high operating costs limit the popularity and development of fuel cell buses (FCBs). To enhance the lifecycle operating economy of FCBs, this article analyzes the impact of power sources degradation on operating costs and proposes an online operating costs minimization strategy, which integrates online state of health (SOH) estimation, online multiobjective optimization, and online adaptive adjustment into the control strategy framework. Specifically, the SOH of the power sources is estimated by cycle life models in real time. The hydrogen consumption, battery energy consumption, and power sources degradation are incorporated into the objective function and adjusted in real time according to the SOH. Under different SOH, the simulation results indicate that compared with the equivalent consumption minimization strategy, the proposed strategy can reduce fuel cell and battery degradation by 13.8% and 5%, and decrease operating costs by 5.3%. Moreover, the adaptability of the control strategy is enhanced throughout the full lifecycle.
Henan Provincial Science and Technology Research Project