1. The Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications (ODTU‐GUNAM) Middle East Technical University Ankara 06800 Turkey
2. Department of Micro and Nanotechnology Middle East Technical University Ankara 06800 Turkey
3. Thin Film PV Technology – Partner in Solliance imec 3600 Genk Belgium
4. EnergyVille imo‐imomec Thor Park 8320 Genk 3600 Belgium
5. Department of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 3001 Leuven Belgium
6. MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology University of Twente Enschede 7500 AE the Netherlands
7. Imec, imo‐imomec Thin Film PV Technology – partner in Solliance Thor Park 8320 3600 Genk Belgium
8. Hasselt University imo‐imomec Martelarenlaan 42 3500 Hasselt Belgium
9. Department of Polymer Science and Technology Middle East Technical University Ankara 06800 Turkey
10. Department of Chemistry Middle East Technical University Ankara 06800 Turkey
11. Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Middle East Technical University Ankara 06800 Turkey