1. Presented in preliminary form in the following sources:(a) and ?Deuterium Isotope Effects in the Combustion of Formulated Nitramine Propellants?, 24th JANNAF Combustion Meeting, Monterey, CA, 7 October 1987;
2. CPIA Publ. 476 (Vol. I), 303-308 (1987).
3. (b) and ?Deuterium Isotope Effects During the Nitramine Combustion Event: Possible Implications to Chemical Kinetics/Mechanisms and Predictive Modeling? 1st JANNAF Combustion Subcomittee Panel on ?Kinetic and Related Aspects of Propellant Combustion Chemistry?, Laurel, MD, 2-4 May CPIA Publ. 503, 115 (1988).
4. (c) and ?Deuterium Isotope Effects in Combustion and Explosion: Impact of Chemical Mechanism and Physical State on Energy Release?, 19th Annual International ICT Conference, Karlsruhe, 29 June - 1 July 1988; [Proc.] 40 /1-40/14 (1988).
5. (d) ?Kinetic Deuterium Isotope Effects in the Combustion of Nitramine Propellants?, Report AFAL-TR-88-072 (1988), Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, Edwards AFB, CA, USA.