1. Progress in A;McQuaide,1989
2. Military Standard, “Hazard Assessment Tests for Non-Nuclear ordnance”, Mil-STD-2105A (Navy) 8 Mar 1991.
3. Department of Defense, “Department of Defense - Explosives Hazard Classification Procedures”, Army, TB 700-2, Navy NAVESEAINST 8020.8, Air Force TO 11A-1-47, Defense Logistics Agency DLAR 8220.1, Dec. 1989.
4. Also see: “Recommendations on the Transportation of Dangerous Goods”, Sixth Revised Edition, ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.6, United Nations Publication, New York, 1989.
5. and “Analysis of Heating Rates for the Insensitive Munitions Slow Cookoff Test”, NWC TM 6278 (July 1988), Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, CA, USA.