1. Channing Division of Network Medicine, Department of MedicineBrigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMassachusetts02115
2. Department of Medical BioinformaticsVanderbilt University School of MedicineNashvilleTennessee37235
3. Department of MedicineVanderbilt UniversityNashvilleTennessee37235
4. Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of MedicineVanderbilt University School of MedicineNashvilleTennessee37235
5. Center for Human GeneticsMarshfield Clinic Research FoundationMarshfieldWisconsin54449
6. Biomedical Informatics Research CenterMarshfield Clinic Research FoundationMarshfieldWisconsin54449
7. Department of CardiologyCopenhagen, University HospitalGentofteDenmark
8. School of Biomedical InformaticsThe University of Texas Health Science Center at HoustonHoustonTexas77030
9. Riken Center for Genomic MedicineKanagawaJapan
10. Center for Child Health Care Studies, Department of Population MedicineHarvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute and Harvard Medical SchoolBostonMassachusetts02115