1. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Department of Civil Engineering 211004 Allahabad Utter Pradesh India
2. Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad Department of Chemical Engineering 211004 Allahabad Utter Pradesh India
3. Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi Department of Civil Engineering 221005 Varanasi U. P. East India
AbstractState‐of‐the‐art applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the analysis and optimization of electrochemical reactors and redox flow batteries are reviewed. Various factors are covered which affect the efficiency of electrochemical reactors and redox flow batteries created using CFD simulation approaches, including physical and chemical factors, such as pH, treatment time, temperature, and the conductivity of the solution, as well as design elements like inter‐electrode distance and electrode materials. Different hydrodynamic variables are discussed that impact the efficiency of these systems, such as pressure distribution, velocity, tracer mass fraction, geometry, flow‐based electrochemical energy storage, and residence time distribution. Although CFD methods are reliable, more straightforward, and cost‐effective, also the limitations of CFD and the challenges are considered that remain in its development and application in electrochemical engineering. The significant progress made in the use of CFD to study electrochemical reactors and redox flow batteries and the technology's potential to improve the efficiency and sustainability of these technologies are emphasized.
Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Filtration and Separation,Process Chemistry and Technology,Biochemistry,Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous),Bioengineering