Bessel‐Beam Direct Write of the Etch Mask in a Nano‐Film of Alumina for High‐Efficiency Si Solar Cells


Katkus Tomas1,Ng Soon Hock1,Mu Haoran1,Le Nguyen Hoai An1,Stonytė Dominyka2,Khajehsaeidimahabadi Zahra1,Seniutinas Gediminas1,Baltrukonis Justas3,Ulčinas Orestas3,Mikutis Mindaugas3,Sabonis Vytautas3,Nishijima Yoshiaki4,Rienäcker Michael5,Römer Udo5,Krügener Jan6,Peibst Robby56,John Sajeev7,Juodkazis Saulius128ORCID


1. Optical Sciences Centre ARC Training Centre in Surface Engineering for Advanced Materials (SEAM) Swinburne University of Technology Hawthorn Victoria 3122 Australia

2. Laser Research Center Physics Faculty Vilnius University Saulėtekio Ave. 10 10223 Vilnius Lithuania

3. Altechna R&D Mokslininku str. 6A 08412 Vilnius Lithuania

4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduate School of Engineering Yokohama National University 79‐5 Tokiwadai, Hodogaya‐ku Yokohama 240‐8501 Japan

5. Next Generation Solar Cells Institut für Solarenergieforschung Hameln (ISFH) Am Ohrberg 1 31860 Emmerthal Germany

6. Institute of Electronic Materials and Devices Leibniz Universität Hannover Schneiderberg 32 30167 Hannover Germany

7. Department of Physics University of Toronto 60 St. George Street Toronto ON M5S 1A7 Canada

8. WRH Program International Research Frontiers Initiative (IRFI) Tokyo Institute of Technology Nagatsuta‐cho, Midori‐ku Yokohama Kanagawa 226‐8503 Japan


Large surface area applications such as high efficiency >26% solar cells require surface patterning with 1–10 μm periodic patterns at high fidelity over areas (before up scaling to ) to perform at, or exceed, the Lambertian (ray optics) limit of light trapping. Herein, a pathway is shown to high‐resolution sub‐1 μm etch mask patterning by ablation using direct femtosecond laser writing performed at room conditions (without the need for a vacuum‐based lithography approach). A Bessel beam is used to alleviate the required high surface tracking tolerance for ablation of 0.3–0.8 μm diameter holes in 40 nm alumina –mask at high writing speed, 7.5 cm s−1; a patterning rate 1 cm2 per 20 min. Plasma etching protocol was optimized for a zero‐mesa formation of photonic‐crystal‐trapping structures and smooth surfaces at the nanoscale level. The maximum of minority carrier recombination time of 2.9 ms was achieved after the standard wafer passivation etch; resistivity of the wafer was 3.5 Ω cm. Scaling up in area and throughput of the demonstrated approach is outlined.


Australian Research Council









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