DBF‐YOLO: UAV Small Targets Detection Based on Shallow Feature Fusion


Liu Haiying1,Duan Xuehu1,Chen Haonan1,Lou Haitong1,Deng Lixia1


1. School of Information and Automation engineering, Qilu University of Technology Shandong Academy of Sciences Jinan China


Driven by deep learning, great breakthroughs had been made in the field of target detection. Small target detection algorithms were widely used in industry, agriculture and other fields. But the small target had few available features and the loss of small target detail information in feature extraction. So it led to the low accuracy of the small target detection algorithms. In this paper, we proposed DBF‐YOLO algorithm based on the classical YOLOV5. The classical YOLOV5 algorithm with high speed. The detection speed of the minimum model could reach 24 ms. However, the deep network structure led to the low detection accuracy of small targets. Our proposed DBF‐YOLO algorithm was an improvement on the problem of small target information being lost. The main contributions of this article were mainly: First, a shallow feature extraction network was introduced in P1 layer, more details of small targets could be well retained. Second, by adding the feature fusion network of shallow feature map and the detection output part in the FPN + PAN layers, the algorithm's accuracy and generalization ability were significantly enhanced. Compared to YOLOV5, the performance of the DBF‐YOLO algorithm was significantly improved. On the validation set, mAP@0.5 and mAP@0.5:0.95 were increased by 8.80 and 5.90%, respectively. Recall was increased from the initial 34.50–41.80%. Precision was increased from initial 44.20 to 50.70%. On the test set, mAP@0.5 and mAP@0.5:0.95 were increased by 6.40 and 3.90%, respectively. Recall was increased 5.10%. Precision was increased 6.60%. Experiments had shown that the improved algorithm achieved good results in accuracy. © 2023 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.




Electrical and Electronic Engineering








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