MDS clinical diagnostic criteria for Parkinson's disease


Postuma Ronald B.1,Berg Daniela2,Stern Matthew3,Poewe Werner4,Olanow C. Warren5,Oertel Wolfgang6,Obeso José7,Marek Kenneth8,Litvan Irene9,Lang Anthony E.10,Halliday Glenda11,Goetz Christopher G.12,Gasser Thomas2,Dubois Bruno13,Chan Piu14,Bloem Bastiaan R.15,Adler Charles H.16,Deuschl Günther17


1. Department of Neurology; Montreal General Hospital; Montreal Quebec Canada

2. Department of Neurodegeneration; Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research and German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases; Tuebingen Germany

3. Penn Neurological Institute; Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA

4. Department of Neurology; Innsbruck Medical University; Innsbruck Austria

5. Department of Neurology; The Mount Sinai Hospital; New York New York USA

6. Department of Neurology; Philipps University of Marburg; Marburg Germany

7. University of Navarra-FIMA; Pamplona Spain

8. Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders; New Haven Connecticut USA

9. Department of Neurosciences; UC San Diego; La Jolla California USA

10. Division of Neurology; Toronto Western Hospital; Toronto Ontario Canada

11. Neuroscience Research Australia & University of NSW; Randwick Australia

12. Rush University Medical Center; Chicago Illinois USA

13. Hopital De La Salpetriere; Paris France

14. Xuanwu Hospital of Capitol of Medical University; Beijing Peoples Republic of China

15. Department of Neurology, Radboud University Medical Center; Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour; Nijmegen Netherlands

16. The Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders Center, Department of Neurology; Mayo Clinic; Scottsdale Arizona USA

17. Department of Neurology; Christian-Albrechts University; Kiel Germany




Neurology (clinical),Neurology







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