1. Federal State Research and Design Institute of Rare Metal Industry (Giredmet JSC) Moscow Russia
2. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia Moscow Russia
3. Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry Yekaterinburg Russia
AbstractThis paper focuses on long‐term tests held during 1,000 h on different Membrane‐Electrode‐Interconnect Assemblies (MEIAs), consisting of an Fe‐Ni alloy interconnect and an electrochemical cell based on a Ce0.8Sm0.2O2–δ electrolyte, the double‐layer working electrode with a La2NiO4 + δ – Ce0.8Sm0.2O2–δ composite functional layer, and a LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3–δ current collector layer, and a platinum reference electrode (O2, LaNi0.6Fe0.4O3–δ|La2NiO4 + δ – Ce0.8Sm0.2O2–δ|Ce0.8Sm0.2O2–δ|Pt, O2). These tests were carried out on MEIAs with the Cr‐free 47ND alloy of the Fe–Ni system with and without surface modification at 850°C in air. The electrochemical performance of MEIAs was studied without polarization as well as under cathodic and anodic polarization with current density 0.5 A cm−2 by means of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The mechanism of the MEIA evolution during long‐term test is discussed.
Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences