Limited evidence for spatial resource partitioning across temperate grassland biodiversity experiments


Barry Kathryn E.12,Ruijven Jasper3,Mommer Liesje3,Bai Yongfei4,Beierkuhnlein Carl56,Buchmann Nina7,Kroon Hans8,Ebeling Anne9,Eisenhauer Nico210,Guimarães‐Steinicke Claudia12,Hildebrandt Anke29,Isbell Forest11,Milcu Alexandru1213,Neßhöver Carsten14,Reich Peter B.1516,Roscher Christiane217,Sauheitl Leopold1819,Scherer‐Lorenzen Michael20,Schmid Bernhard21,Tilman David1122,Felten Stefanie72324,Weigelt Alexandra12


1. Systematic Botany and Functional Biodiversity Institute of Biology Leipzig University Johannisallee 21 Leipzig 04103 Germany

2. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle‐Jena‐Leipzig Deutscher Platz 5e Leipzig 04103 Germany

3. Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation Group Wageningen University P.O. Box 47 Wageningen NL‐6700 AA The Netherlands

4. State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change Institute of Botany Chinese Academy of Sciences No. 20 Nanxincun Xiangshan Beijing 100093 China

5. Department of Biogeography University of Bayreuth Universitätstraße 30 Bayreuth 95447 Germany

6. Bayreuth Center for Ecology and Environmental Research Universitätstraße 30 Bayreuth 95447 Germany

7. Institute of Agricultural Sciences ETH Zurich Universitätstrasse 2 Zürich 8092 Switzerland

8. Department of Experimental Plant Ecology Institute for Water and Wetland Research Radboud University Heyendaalseweg 135 Nijmegen NL‐6525 AJ The Netherlands

9. Institute of Geosciences Friedrich Schiller University, Jena Burgweg 11 Jena 07745 Germany

10. Institute of Biology Leipzig University Deutscher Platz 5e Leipzig 04103 Germany

11. Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior University of Minnesota Saint Paul Minnesota 55108 USA

12. The European Ecotron of Montpellier (UPS‐3248) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Campus Bailarguet Montferrier‐sur‐Lez France

13. Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive (UMR 5175) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) EPHE IRD Université de Montpellier Université Paul Valéry Montpellier Cedex 5 France

14. Department of Conservation Biology UFZ‐Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Permoserstrasse 15 Leipzig 04318 Germany

15. Department of Forest Resources University of Minnesota Saint Paul Minnesota 55108 USA

16. Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment Western Sydney University Richmond New South Wales 2753 Australia

17. Department of Physiological Diversity UFZ – Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Permoserstrasse 15 Leipzig 04318 Germany

18. Institute of Soil Science University of Hannover Herrenhäuser Strasse 2 Hannover 30419 Germany

19. Department of Soil Physics University of Bayreuth Bayreuth Germany

20. Geobotany Faculty of Biology University of Freiburg Schänzlestrasse 1 Freiburg 79104 Germany

21. Department of Geography University of Zürich Winterthurerstrasse 190 Zürich 8057 Switzerland

22. Bren School of Environmental Science and Management University of California Santa Barbara Santa Barbara California 93106‐5131 USA

23. Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies University of Zürich Zürich Switzerland

24. Oikostat GmbH Ettiswil Switzerland




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics







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