1. Laboratory of Physics of Living Matter, Institute of Physics Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Lausanne CH‐1015 Switzerland
2. Department of Health Sciences and Technology ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland
3. Departamento de Física Teórica de la Materia Condensada Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid 28049 Spain
4. Condensed Matter Physics Center (IFIMAC) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid 28049 Spain
5. Instituto Nicolás Cabrera Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid 28049 Spain
6. Laboratory of Biological Electron Microscopy Institute of Physics SB EPFL and Dep. of Fund. Microbiol. Faculty of Biology and Medicine UNIL Rt. de la Sorge Lausanne 1015 Switzerland
7. van't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences University of Amsterdam P.O. Box 94157 Amsterdam 1090 GD The Netherlands
8. Amsterdam Center for Multiscale Modeling (ACMM) University of Amsterdam P.O. Box 94157 Amsterdam 1090 GD The Netherlands
9. Department of Civil Environmental & Geomatic Engineering University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT UK
10. Department of Biochemistry University of Zürich Zürich CH‐8057 Switzerland
11. Department of Chemistry University of Cambridge Lensfield Road Cambridge CB2 1EW UK
12. Laboratory of Organic Chemistry Wageningen University & Research Stippeneng 4 Wageningen 6703 WE The Netherlands
13. Physical Chemistry and Soft Matter Wageningen University & Research Stippeneng 4 Wageningen 6703 WE The Netherlands
14. Department of Materials ETH Zurich Zurich 8093 Switzerland