MnFeNi‐Based Composite as a Case Study of a Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalyst under Dynamically Changing Electrode Potentials


Morales Dulce M.12ORCID,Kazakova Mariya A.3ORCID,Medina Danea3ORCID,Villalobos Javier2ORCID,Schuck Götz4ORCID,Risch Marcel2ORCID,Schuhmann Wolfgang3ORCID


1. Engineering and Technology Institute Groningen (ENTEG) University of Groningen Nijenborgh 4 Groningen 9747AG The Netherlands

2. Nachwuchsgruppe Gestaltung des Sauerstoffentwicklungsmechanismus Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1 14109 Berlin Germany

3. Analytical Chemistry – Center for Electrochemical Sciences (CES) Faculty of Chemistry and Biochemistry Ruhr University Bochum Universitätsstr. 150 44780 Bochum Germany

4. Abteilung Struktur und Dynamik von Energiematerialien Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1 14109 Berlin Germany


AbstractHigh‐performance bifunctional electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) are essential components in energy conversion and storage technologies. Yet, their poor reversibility hinders their applicability. A highly active ORR/OER catalyst, consisting of multiwalled carbon nanotubes‐supported MnFeNiOx nanoparticles, was subjected to sequences of chronoamperometric steps alternating between the ORR, the OER and highly cathodic potentials (Ec). Rotating ring disk electrode methods revealed that applying Ec leads to a small increase in the current and peroxide species yield during the ORR while enhancing substantially the OER. X‐ray absorption spectroscopy showed irreversible changes in the chemical state of MnFeNiOx correlating with its catalytic properties. The complexity of changes that a composite catalyst may undergo under varying potentials, the importance of monitoring product formation, and the convenience of using dynamic electrochemical sequences for the assessment of catalyst reversibility, as well as for the activation and/or restoration of their catalytic properties, are highlighted.



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