1. School of Earth and Space Sciences; Peking University; Beijing China
2. Rutherford-Appleton Laboratory; Oxfordshire UK
3. Mullard Space Science Laboratory; University College London; Dorking UK
4. School of physics; Peking University; Beijing China
5. Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, JAXA; Sagamihara Japan
6. Space Science Center and Physics Department; University of New Hampshire; Durham USA
7. Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics; University of California; Los Angeles California USA
8. ESTEC, ESA; Noordwijk Netherlands
9. State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, NSSC, CAS; Beijing China
10. SOA Key Laboratory for Polar Science; Polar Research Institute of China; Shanghai China
11. Space Research Institute; Austrian Academy of Sciences; Graz Austria
12. Blackett Laboratory; Imperial College London; London UK