The Influence of Structural Patterns on Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Organic Compounds


Tinkov Oleg12,Polishchuk Pavel3,Matveieva Mariia3,Grigorev Veniamin4,Grigoreva Ludmila5,Porozov Yuri67


1. Department of Computer Science Military Institute of the Ministry of Defense 3300 Gogol str. 2”B” Tiraspol Transdniestria Moldova

2. Department of Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Medical Faculty Transnistrian State University 3300 October 25 str. 128 Tiraspol Transdniestria Moldova

3. Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Palacký University and University Hospital in Olomouc Hnevotinska 5 77900 Olomouc Czech Republic

4. Institute of Physiologically Active Compounds Russian Academy of Sciences 142432 Severniy proezd 1 Chernogolovka Moscow region Russia

5. Department of Fundamental Physical and Chemical Engineering Moscow State University 119991 Leninskiye Gory 1/51 Moscow Russia

6. World-Class Research Center “Digital biodesign and personalized healthcare” I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University Moscow Russia

7. Department of Computational Biology Sirius University of Science and Technology 354340 Olympic Ave 1 Sochi Russia


Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation




Organic Chemistry,Computer Science Applications,Drug Discovery,Molecular Medicine,Structural Biology

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