1. The changing face of Hodgkin's disease
2. Abdominal involvement at the onset of Hodgkin's disease
3. Anaveri, for the Radiother-Chemother. Coop Group for HD (1984). Radiotherapy versus chemotherapy in patients with early stage Hodgkin's disease (PS I, IIA), preliminary rapport. Proc. 2nd Internat. Conf. Malignant Lymphomas (Lugano), p. 88, Abstract No. 55.
4. , , , , (1984). Combined modality therapy (chemotherapy plus radiotherapy) in Hodgkin's disease CSIA to IIIB. Results of the H 77 trial (1977–1980). Proc. 2nd Internat. Conf. Malignant Lymphomas (Lugano), p. 47, Abstract No. 57.