1. Sustainable Advanced Materials (Sêr SAM) Department of Physics Swansea University Singleton Park Swansea SA2 8PP UK
2. Center for Excellence in Nanoscience (CAS) Key Laboratory of Nanosystem and Hierarchical Fabrication (CAS) National Center for Nanoscience and Technology Beijing 100190 China
3. Department of Physics and Centre for Plastic Electronics Imperial College London London SW7 2AZ UK
4. Institute of Physics and Astronomy University of Potsdam Karl‐Liebknecht Straße 24‐25 Potsdam‐Golm D‐14476 Germany
5. IMO‐IMOMEC Hasselt University Wetenschapspark 1 Diepenbeek 3590 Belgium
6. School of Materials Science and Engineering Wuhan University of Technology 22 Luoshi Road Wuhan 430070 China
7. Department of Physics Organic and Carbon Electronics Laboratories (ORaCEL) North Carolina State University Raleigh NC 27695 USA
8. Institute of Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology (i‐MEET) Friedrich‐Alexander University Erlangen‐Nürnberg Martensstrasse 7 Erlangen 91058 Germany