A Roadmap for Transforming Research to Invent the Batteries of the Future Designed within the European Large Scale Research Initiative BATTERY 2030+


Amici Julia1ORCID,Asinari Pietro23ORCID,Ayerbe Elixabete4ORCID,Barboux Philippe5ORCID,Bayle‐Guillemaud Pascale6,Behm R. Jürgen7,Berecibar Maitane8ORCID,Berg Erik9,Bhowmik Arghya10ORCID,Bodoardo Silvia1ORCID,Castelli Ivano E.10ORCID,Cekic‐Laskovic Isidora11ORCID,Christensen Rune10,Clark Simon12,Diehm Ralf13ORCID,Dominko Robert1415ORCID,Fichtner Maximilian15ORCID,Franco Alejandro A.141617ORCID,Grimaud Alexis1718ORCID,Guillet Nicolas19ORCID,Hahlin Maria9ORCID,Hartmann Sarah20,Heiries Vincent21ORCID,Hermansson Kersti9ORCID,Heuer Andreas1122,Jana Saibal23ORCID,Jabbour Lara24,Kallo Josef25ORCID,Latz Arnulf152627ORCID,Lorrmann Henning21,Løvvik Ole Martin28ORCID,Lyonnard Sandrine6ORCID,Meeus Marcel29,Paillard Elie30ORCID,Perraud Simon24,Placke Tobias31ORCID,Punckt Christian15ORCID,Raccurt Olivier24ORCID,Ruhland Janna32ORCID,Sheridan Edel33ORCID,Stein Helge15ORCID,Tarascon Jean‐Marie1718ORCID,Trapp Victor21,Vegge Tejs1014ORCID,Weil Marcel1534,Wenzel Wolfgang23ORCID,Winter Martin1131ORCID,Wolf Andreas2135,Edström Kristina836ORCID


1. DISAT – Department of Applied Science and Technology Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Torino 10129 Italy

2. Department of Energy Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 Torino 10129 Italy

3. Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) Strada delle Cacce 91 Turin 10135 Italy

4. CIDETEC Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA) Paseo Miramón 196 Donostia‐San Sebastián 20014 Spain

5. Chimie ParisTech PSL Research University CNRS Institut de Recherche de Chimie Paris (IRCP) Paris F‐75005 France

6. Univ. Grenoble Alpes CEA CNRS IRIG‐SyMMES Grenoble 38000 France

7. Institute of Theoretical Chemistry Ulm University Albert‐Einstein‐Allee 11 D‐89081 Ulm Germany

8. MOBI – Mobility, Logistics, and Automotive Technology Research Centre Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2 Brussels 1050 Belgium

9. Department of Chemistry – Ångström Laboratory Uppsala University Box 538 Uppsala 75121 Sweden

10. Department of Energy Conversion and Storage Technical University of Denmark Anker Engelundvej Building 301 Kgs. Lyngby DK‐2800 Denmark

11. Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS, IEK‐12) Corrensstraße 46 North Rhine‐Westphalia 48149 Münster Germany

12. SINTEF Industry New Energy Solutions Sem Sælands vei 12 Trondheim 7034 Norway

13. Institute of Thermal Process Engineering Thin Film Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Kaiserstraße 12 76131 Karlsruhe Germany

14. ALISTORE‐European Research Institute Fédération de Recherche CNRS 3104 Hub de l'Energie, 15 rue Baudelocque Amiens Cedex 80039 France

15. Helmholtz Institute Ulm (HIU) Electrochemical Energy Storage Helmholtzstraße 11 89081 Ulm Germany

16. Laboratoire de Réactivité et Chimie des Solides (LRCS) CNRS UMR 7314 Université de Picardie Jules Verne Hub de l'Energie, 15 rue Baudelocque Amiens Cedex 80039 France

17. Réseau sur le Stockage Electrochimique de l'Energie (RS2E) Fédération de Recherche CNRS 3459 Hub de l'Energie, 15 rue Baudelocque Amiens Cedex 80039 France

18. Chimie du Solide et de l'Energie Collège de France UMR 8260 Paris Cedex 05 75231 France

19. Univ. Grenoble Alpes CEA, Liten, Ines Campus Le Bourget‐du‐Lac 73375 France

20. Univ. Grenoble Alpes CEA, Leti Grenoble 38000 France

21. Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research (ISC) Neunerplatz 2 97082 Wuerzburg Germany

22. Institute of Physical Chemistry University of Münster 48149 Münster Germany

23. Institute of Nanotechnology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Hermann‐von Helmholtz‐Platz 1 D‐76344 Eggenstein‐Leopoldshafen Germany

24. Univ. Grenoble Alpes CEA, Liten Grenoble 38000 France

25. Institute of Energy Conversion and Storage Ulm University Albert‐Einstein‐Allee 47 89081 Ulm Germany

26. German Aerospace Center Pfaffenwaldring 38–40 70569 Stuttgart Germany

27. Ulm University Albert‐Einstein‐Allee 47 89081 Ulm Germany

28. SINTEF Industry Sustainable Energy Technology Forskningsveien 1 Oslo 0314 Norway

29. EMIRI Rue de Ransbeek, 310 Brussels 1120 Belgium

30. Politecnico di Milano – Dept. Energy Via Lambruschini 4 Milano 20156 Italy

31. MEET Battery Research Center Institute of Physical Chemistry University of Münster Corrensstraße 46 48149 Münster Germany

32. Institute of Production Science Karlsruher Institute of Technology Kaiserstraße 12 76131 Karlsruhe Germany

33. SINTEF Energy Electric Power Technology Sem Sælands vei 11 Trondheim 7034 Norway

34. Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis Karlsruher Institute of Technology Hermann‐von‐Helmholtz‐Platz 1 D‐76344 Eggenstein‐Leopoldshafen Germany

35. Friedrich‐Alexander University Erlangen‐Nürnberg (FAU) Egerlandstraße 1 D91058 Erlangen Germany

36. National Institute of Chemistry 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia; Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology University of Ljubljana Ljubljana 1000 Slovenia




General Materials Science,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment

Reference156 articles.

1. E. Commission European Green Deal https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_21_3541 2021.








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