1. Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringInter‐University Semiconductor Research CenterSeoul National University 1 Gwanak‐ro, Gwanak‐gu Seoul 08826 Republic of Korea
2. Toray Chemical Korea Inc. R&D InstituteAdvanced Technology Research Team 330 Seongamro, Mapogu Seoul 03920 Republic of Korea
3. Flexible Device Research GroupElectronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Daejeon 34129 Republic of Korea
4. Department of Semiconductor EngineeringEngineering Research Institute (ERI)Gyeongsang National University 501 Jinjudaero, Jinju Gyeongnam 52828 Republic of Korea
5. Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Seoul 163 Seoulsiripdaero, Dongdaemun‐gu Seoul 02504 Republic of Korea
6. Department of Electrical EngineeringEngineering Research Institute (ERI)Gyeongsang National University 501 Jinjudaero, Jinju Gyeongnam 52828 Republic of Korea