1. Electrical Engineering Department IIT (BHU), Varanasi Varanasi India
SummaryThis paper targets to minimize the peak common mode voltage (CMV) in ultra sparse matrix converters (USMC) by applying new zero vectors for the space vector modulation technique (SVM). Conventional zero vectors in the SVM raise the peak CMV by 42.23%. An increased magnitude of CMV is associated with the occurrence of leakage current, hence resulting in insulation degradation. So, the reduction of peak CMV is necessary for USMC. The proposed method offers suitable switching arrangements using auxiliary shoot through (AST) switches to minimize the peak‐to‐peak CMV. This proposed method holds the advantages of the conventional method, like a wide range of modulation index and zero current switching at the rectifier side, and also reduces the CMV problem. This paper also provides a comparative analysis of the existing reported methods and the proposed method. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated through both simulation and experimental results.