1. Department of Biomedical Informatics and Medical EducationUniversity of Washington Seattle Washington
2. The eScience InstituteUniversity of Washington Seattle Washington
3. Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Biocomputing GroupUniversity of Bologna Bologna Italy
4. School of Information and Communication TechnologyGriffith University Southport Australia
5. Department of Molecular and Human GeneticsBaylor College of Medicine Houston Texas
6. Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology ResearchUniversity of Maryland Rockville Maryland
7. Computational Biology, Bioinformatics and Genomics, Biological Sciences Graduate ProgramUniversity of Maryland College Park Maryland
8. Department of Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyBaylor College of Medicine Houston Texas
9. Department of PharmacologyBaylor College of Medicine Houston Texas
10. Computational and Integrative Biomedical Research CenterBaylor College of Medicine Houston Texas
11. Department of Biochemistry and MicrobiologyRutgers University New Brunswick New Jersey
12. Department of Cell Biology and Molecular GeneticsUniversity of Maryland College Park Maryland
13. Institute for Glycomics and School of Information and Communication TechnologyGriffith University Southport Australia
14. Khoury College of Computer SciencesNortheastern University Boston Massachusetts
15. Department of Genetics, Human Genetics InstituteRutgers University Piscataway New Jersey
16. Institute for Advanced Study at Technische Universität München (TUM‐IAS) Garching/Munich Germany