Niche analyses and the potential distribution of four invasive bumblebees worldwide


López‐Aguilar Tania Paola12ORCID,Montalva Jose3ORCID,Vilela Bruno4ORCID,Arbetman Marina P.5ORCID,Aizen Marcelo A.5ORCID,Morales Carolina L.5ORCID,Silva Daniel de Paiva6ORCID


1. Graduate Program in Natural Resources of the Cerrado State University of Goiás Anápolis Brazil

2. Department of Biology National Autonomous University of Honduras in the Sula Valley (UNAH‐VS) San Pedro Sula Honduras

3. Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences East Central University Ada Oklahoma USA

4. Institute of Biology Federal University of Bahia Salvador Brazil

5. Grupo de Ecología de la Polinización (EcoPol) INIBIOMA (CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Comahue) San Carlos de Bariloche Argentina

6. Departamento de Ciências Biológicas, Conservation Biogegraphy and Macroecology Laboratory (COBIMA LAB) Instituto Federal Goiano Urutaí Brazil


AbstractThe introduction of bees for agricultural production in distinct parts of the world and poor management have led to invasion processes that affect biodiversity, significantly impacting native species. Different Bombus species with invasive potential have been recorded spreading in different regions worldwide, generating ecological and economic losses. We applied environmental niche and potential distribution analyses to four species of the genus Bombus to evaluate the similarities and differences between their native and invaded ranges. We found that B. impatiens has an extended environmental niche, going from dry environmental conditions in the native range to warmer and wetter conditions in the invaded range. Bombus ruderatus also exhibited an extended environmental niche with drier and warmer conditions in the invaded range than in its native range. Bombus subterraneus expanded its environmental niche from cooler and wetter conditions in the native range to drier and warmer conditions in the invaded range. Finally, B. terrestris showed the most significant variation in the environmental niche, extending to areas with similar and different environmental conditions from its native range. The distribution models agreed with the known distributions for the four Bombus species, presenting geographic areas known to be occupied by each species in different regions worldwide. The niche analysis indicate shifts in the niches from the native to the invaded distribution area of the bee species. Still, niche similarities were observed in the areas of greatest suitability in the potential distribution for B. ruderatus, B. subterraneus, and B. terrestris, and to a lesser degree in the same areas with B. impatiens. These species require similar environmental conditions as in their native ranges to be established in their introduced ranges. Still, they can adapt to changes in temperature and humidity, allowing them to expand their ranges into new climatic conditions.



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