1. The following references include publications about institutions that have experimented with integrating classroom and residential life. The institutions where these experiments have taken place and the authors who describe them are as follows. Berkeley: Tussman, 1969. Cornell: Tolmach, 1971. Denver: Tolmach, 1972. Goucher: Nichols, 1969. Jamestown College: Sillers, 1966. Harvard: Marquand, 1972; Jencks and Riesman, 1962. Indiana: Riker, 1965; Shaffer and Ferber, 1965. Michigan: Rhodes, 1972; Newcomb, 1971; Tolmach, 1971. Michigan State: Olson, 1968; Riker, 1965, Tolmach, 1972. Stanford: Stanford Observer, 1973. Stephens College: Leyden, 1966. Yale: Vaill, 1967.
2. The Reforming of General Education, New York: Columbia University Press, 1966.
3. Democracy and Education. New York: Macmillan, 1916.
4. The Community of Scholars. New York: Random House, 1962.
5. Residence Halls 1970’s