1. Institute of Zoology; Zoological Society of London; Regent's Park London NW1 4RY United Kingdom
2. Department of Remote Sensing; University of Wuerzburg; Wurzburg 97074 Germany
3. German Remote Sensing Data Centre; German Aerospace Centre DLR; Wessling 82234 Germany
4. Department of Natural Resources; Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC); University of Twente; P.O. Box 217 AE Enschede 7500 The Netherlands
5. Alterra; Wageningen UR; Droevendaalsesteeg 3 Wageningen 6708 PB The Netherlands
6. Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience; University of Dundee; Dundee DD1 4HN United Kingdom
7. German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig; Deutscher Platz 5e Leipzig 04103 Germany
8. Instituto de Ecología; Universidad Mayor de San Andrés Cota-cota; Calle 27 Campus Universitario La Paz Bolivia
9. Centre for Ecosystem Science (CES); School of Biological; Earth and Environmental Science (BEES); The University of New South Wales (UNSW) High Street; Kensington New South Wales 2052 Australia
10. Remote Sensing Laboratories; University of Zurich; Winterthurerstrasse 190 Zurich CH-8057 Switzerland
11. United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC); 219 Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0DL United Kingdom
12. European Commission - Joint Research Centre; Via E. Fermi 2749 Ispra Varese 21027 Italy
13. Institute for Applied Remote Sensing; European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC); Viale Druso 1 Bozen/Bolzano 39100 Italy
14. Universities Space Research Association; NASA Earth Science Division; 300 E St SW Washington DC 20546
15. Department of Biological Sciences; Murray State University; Murray Kentucky 42071
16. School of Development; Azim Premji University; Hosur Road, Electronic City Bangalore 560100 India
17. Biospheric Sciences Laboratory; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; 8800 Greenbelt Road Greenbelt Maryland 20771
18. University of Maryland; 4321 Hartwick Road Suite 400 College Park Maryland 20740
19. European Space Agency; ESRIN; Via Galileo Galilei Frascati 00044 Italy
20. Department of Geography and Environmental Studies; Stellenbosch University; Chamber of Mines Building c/o Merriman & van Ryneveld Street Stellenbosch South Africa
21. Department of Global Ecology; Carnegie Institution for Science; 260 Panama St. Stanford California 94305
22. Department of Biology; University of Ottawa; Ottawa ON K1N 6N5 Canada
23. The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences; Pennsylvania State University; University Park; Pennsylvania 16802
24. The School of Life Sciences and Bioengineering; The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology; Arusha Tanzania
25. Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research-UFZ; Permoserstrasse 15 Leipzig 04318 Germany
26. Fondazione Edmund Mach; Research and Innovation Centre; Department of Biodiversity and Molecular Ecology; Via E. Mach 1 S. Michele all'Adige (TN) 38010 Italy
27. NSW Office of Environment and Heritage; PO Box A290 Sydney South New South Wales 1232 Australia
28. Australian Museum; 6 College Street Sydney New South Wales 2000 Australia
29. Department of Conservation Biology; Estación Biológica de Doñana; Spanish National Research Council (CSIC); Américo Vespucio s/n 41092 Seville Spain
30. Earth Observation group; Natural Resources and Environment; Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR); Building 33 CSIR Pretoria, P.O. Box 395 Pretoria South Africa
31. Department of Botany; Facultad de Ciencias; Planta 6 Sección de Biología; Campus Universitario de Fuentenueva; Universidad de Granada; Granada 18071 Spain
32. School of Biological Sciences; Monash University; Clayton Victoria 3800 Australia
33. Earth Science Division; NASA Headquarters; Washington DC 20546
34. Wildlife Biometrics Unit; Minnesota Department of Natural Resources; 5463-C West Broadway Ave Forest Lake Minnesota 55025
35. Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology; 2003 Upper Buford Circle St. Paul Minnesota 55108
36. Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science; Invalidenstrasse 43 Berlin 10115 Germany
37. Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE); Natural Environment Centre; P.O. Box 140, Mechelininkatu 34a Helsinki FI-00251 Finland
38. Stockholm Resilience Centre; Stockholm University; 10691 Sweden
39. Department of Conservation Ecology and Entomology; Stellenbosch University; Stellenbosch South Africa
40. Group on Earth Observations; 7 bis avenue de la Paix, Case postale 2300 Geneva 2 Switzerland