1. and , ‘Application of point matching to problems in micromechanics’, in Fundamental Aspects of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites (Ed. and ), Interscience Publishers, New York, 1968, pp. 29-44. (Proceedings of a conference held at Dayton, Ohio, 24-26 May, 1966.)
2. Advanced Design Concepts for Composite Structures, Quarterly Reports Nos. 1 and 2 on Contract No. AF 33(615)-5150, North American Aviation, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, 1966.
3. Transverse Normal Loading of a Unidirectional Composite
4. ‘Elastic moduli of fibre reinforced plastic composites’, in Fundamental Aspects of Fiber Reinforced Plastic Composites (Ed. and ), Interscience Publishers, New York 1968, pp. 13-27. (Proceedings of a conference held at Dayton, Ohio, 24-26 May, 1966.)
5. Bond Stresses in Fiber Reinforced Composites Subjected to Uniform Tension