1. Division of Infectious Diseases; Department of Internal Medicine; Ulsan University Hospital; University of Ulsan College of Medicine; Ulsan Korea
2. Department of Infectious Diseases; Gachon University Gil Medical Center; Incheon Korea
3. Division of Infectious Diseases; Department of Internal Medicine; Armed Forces Capital Hospital; Seongnam Korea
4. Department of Infectious Diseases; Chonnam National University Medical School; Gwangju Korea
5. Division of Infectious Diseases; Department of Internal Medicine; Samsung Medical Center; Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine; Seoul Korea
6. Outcomes Research/Real World Data; Corporate Affairs & Health and Value; Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Korea Ltd.; Seoul Korea
7. Medical& Scientific Affairs; Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Korea Ltd.; Seoul Korea
8. Department of Biostatistics; College of Medicine; Korea University; Seoul Korea
9. Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery; Asan Medical Center; University of Ulsan College of Medicine; Seoul Korea
10. Department of Infectious Diseases; Asan Medical Center; University of Ulsan College of Medicine; Seoul Korea