1. Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki (a.k., r.s., r.r., s.t‐s.)
2. the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (a.k.);University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital
3. the School of Health Sciences, (h.h.);Tampere
4. Department of OtorhinolaryngologyPäijät‐Häme Central Hospital (j.m.)Lahti Finland.
5. the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (m.r., m.p.)University of TampereTampere
6. the Department of OtorhinolaryngologyTampere University Hospital (m.r., j.k.);Tampere
7. the Terveystalo Healthcare OYJ of Finland (m.p.);Helsinki
8. the HUSLAB (r.r.)Helsinki
9. the Department of OtorhinolaryngologyTampere City Hospital (h.r.)Tampere
10. the Department of Allergy (m.m., s.t‐s.)University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital