1. Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine University of Pisa Pisa Italy
2. Department of Psychiatry University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli” Naples Italy
3. Department of Medicine, Surgery and Health Sciences University of Trieste and Department of Mental Health, Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Giuliano Isontina–ASUGI Trieste Italy
4. Department of Medicine and Surgery University of Milan Bicocca Milano Italy
5. Center for Behavioral Sciences and Mental Health National Institute of Health Rome Italy
6. Neuroscience Research Center, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences and Aldo Ravelli Center for Neurotechnology and Brain Therapeutic University of Milan Milano Italy
7. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Stanford University Stanford California USA
8. Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Neurosciences and Rehabilitation University of Ferrara Ferrara Italy
9. Department of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Sensory Organs, Faculty of Medicine and Psychology Sapienza University of Rome Rome Italy
10. Department of Neuroscience, Section of Psychiatry University Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Rome Italy
11. Department of Neuroscience, Sensory organs and Thorax, Department of Psychiatry Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS Rome Italy
12. Department of Psychiatry University of Perugia Perugia Italy
13. Clinical Psychiatry Unit Department of Clinical Neurosciences Università Politecnica delle Marche Ancona Italy