Possible improvements in effective fill factor using X‐ray fluorescent interpixel reflectors


Hsieh Scott S.1


1. Department of Radiology Mayo Clinic Rochester Minnesota USA


AbstractBackgroundThe spatial resolution of energy‐integrating diagnostic CT scanners is limited by interpixel reflectors on the detector, which optically isolate pixels but create dead space. Because the width of the reflector cannot easily be decreased, fill factor diminishes as resolution increases.PurposeWe propose loading (or mixing) a high‐Z element into the reflectors, causing the reflectors to be X‐ray fluorescent. Re‐emitted characteristic X‐rays could be detected in adjacent pixels, increasing the effective fill factor and compensating for fill factor loss with higher‐resolution detectors. The purpose of this work is to understand the physical principles of this approach and to analyze its effectiveness using Monte Carlo simulations.MethodsDetector pixels were modeled using the GEANT4 Monte Carlo package. The width of the reflector was kept constant at 0.1 mm throughout, and we considered pixel pitches between 0.5 and 1 mm. The pixelated scintillator material was gadolinium oxysulfide, 3 mm thick. The baseline reflector material was chosen to be acrylic, and varying concentrations of a high‐Z element were loaded into the material. We assumed that the optical characteristics of pixels were ideal (no absorption within pixels, perfect reflection at boundaries). The detector was irradiated uniformly with 10,000 X‐ray photons to estimate its spectral response. The figure of merit was the variance of the detector signal at zero frequency normalized to that of an ideal single‐bin photon‐counting detector with 100% fill factor. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to understand the effect of varying the high‐Z element concentration and the spectrum.ResultsInitial simulations suggested that a k‐edge near 50 keV would be ideal. Gd was therefore selected as the high‐Z material. The relative variances for a conventional energy integrating detector without Gd at 1 mm pixel pitch (81% fill factor) and 0.5 mm pixel pitch (64% fill factor) were 1.38 and 1.74, compared to 1.00 for an ideal photon counting detector, implying a 26% variance penalty for 0.5 mm pitch. When 1 g/cm3 Gd was loaded into the interpixel reflector, the relative variance improved to 1.27 and 1.43, respectively, implying that the variance penalty for including Gd together with 0.5 mm pitch is only 4%. Performance was nearly maximized at 1.0 g/cm3 of Gd, but a concentration of 0.5 g/cm3 of Gd showed most of the benefit. Improvements depend weakly on kV, with lower kV associated with higher improvements. An external anti‐scatter grid was not modeled in our simulations and would reduce the expected benefit, depending greatly on the pitch and dimensionality of the anti‐scatter grid.ConclusionsThe losses in fill factor associated with smaller pixel pitch can be reduced if Gd or a similar element could be loaded into the interpixel reflector. These improvements in noise efficiency are yet to be verified experimentally.




General Medicine








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