Optomechanical Cavities Based on Epitaxial GaP on Nominally (001)‐Oriented Si


Mouriño Paula1ORCID,Mercadé Laura1ORCID,Sinusía Lozano Miguel1ORCID,Resta Raquel1ORCID,Griol Amadeu1ORCID,Ben Saddik Karim2ORCID,Barrigón Enrique3ORCID,Fernández‐Garrido Sergio2ORCID,García Basilio Javier2ORCID,Martínez Alejandro1ORCID,Gómez Víctor J.1ORCID


1. Nanophotonics Technology Center Universitat Politècnica de València València 46022 Spain

2. Electronics and Semiconductors Group (ElySe) Applied Physics Department Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Madrid 28049 Spain

3. Departamento Fisica Aplicada I Universidad de Málaga Málaga 29071 Spain


AbstractGallium Phosphide (GaP) has recently received considerable attention as a suitable material for building photonic integrated circuits due to its remarkable optical and piezoelectric properties. Usually, GaP is grown epitaxially on III–V substrates to keep its crystallinity and later transferred to silicon wafers for further processing. Here, an alternative promising route for the fabrication of optomechanical (OM) cavities on GaP epitaxially grown on nominally (001)‐oriented Si is introduced by using a two‐step process consisting of a low‐temperature etching of GaP followed by selective etching of the underneath silicon. The low‐temperature (–30 °C) during the dry‐etching of GaP hinders the lateral etching rate, preserving the pattern with a deviation between the design and the pattern in the GaP layer lower than 5%, avoiding the complex process of transferring and bonding a GaP wafer to a silicon‐on‐insulator wafer. To demonstrate the quality and feasibility of the proposed fabrication route, suspended OM cavities are fabricated and experimentally characterized. The cavities exhibit optical quality factors between 103 and 104 at telecom wavelengths, and localized mechanical resonances ≈3.1 GHz with quality factors ≈63 when measured at room temperature. These results suggest a simple and low‐cost way to build GaP‐based photonic devices directly integrated on industry‐standard Si(001) photonic wafers.


Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital, Generalitat Valenciana

European Regional Development Fund










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