1. Department of Ecology; Montana State University; Bozeman Montana USA
2. Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement; LSCE-IPSL (CEA-CNRS-UVSQ); Gif-sur-Yvette France
3. Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique; Toulouse France
4. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; University of Arizona; Tucson Arizona USA
5. IRD UMR AMAP; Botany and Modeling of Architecture of Plants and Vegetations; Montpellier France
6. European Space Research and Technology Centre; European Space Agency; Nordwijk Netherlands
7. Instituto de Conservación, Biodiversidad y Territorio; Universidad Austral de Chile; Valdivia Chile
8. Center for Climate and Resilience Research; Santiago Chile
9. Department of Ecological Sciences; Vrije Universiteit (VU); Amsterdam Netherlands
10. CIRAD; UMR Ecologie des Forêt de Guyane; Kourou France
11. Airbus Defence and Space; Immenstaad Germany
12. Biospheric Sciences Laboratory; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Greenbelt Maryland USA