1. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery; Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; Baltimore MD
2. Department of Biostatistics and Computational Biology; Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Boston MA
3. Department of Oncology; Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; Baltimore MD
4. Laboratory of Molecular Pathology; Institute of Molecular and Translational Medicine, Palacky University; Olomouc Czech Republic
5. Department of Pathology; Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; Baltimore MD
6. University of Virginia; Charlottesville VA
7. Division of Oncology Biostatistics; Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions; Baltimore MD
8. Mid-Michigan Ear, Nose, and Throat; East Lansing MI
9. Department of Mathematics and Statistics; The College of New Jersey; Ewing NJ
10. Milton J. Dance Head and Neck Center, Greater Baltimore Medical Center; Baltimore MD