1. Department of Periodontology; Operative and Preventive Dentistry; University of Bonn; Bonn Germany
2. University of Rochester; Periodontics, Eastman Institute for Oral Health; Rochester NY USA
3. Department of Periodontology and Oral Implantology; Temple University School of Dentistry; Philadelphia PA USA
4. Case Western Reserve University; Cleveland OH USA
5. U.F.R. d'Odontologie; Université Paris Diderot; Hôpital Rothschild AP-HP Paris France
6. Private practice, Firenze, Italy; European Research Group on Periodontology; Bern Switzerland
7. Department of Periodontology; Istanbul University; Istanbul Turkey
8. Department of Periodontology; Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele; Milan Italy
9. University of Rochester; Prosthodontics & Periodontics; Eastman Institute for Oral Health; Rochester NY USA
10. Department of Periodontology; University of Alabama at Birmingham; School of Dentistry Birmingham AL USA
11. King's College London Dental Institute; London UK
12. Discipline of Periodontology; Faculty of Dentistry; The University of Hong Kong; Prince Philip Dental Hospital Hong Kong SAR China
13. Forsyth Institute; Cambridge MA USA
14. Columbia University College of Dental Medicine; Division of Periodontics; New York NY USA
15. Department of Periodontology; School of Dentistry; National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; Greece
16. Faculty of Dentistry; Dalhousie University; Halifax Nova Scotia
17. Private practice; Perio Health Professionals; Houston TX USA
18. Department of Periodontics; University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; TX USA
19. Centre for Oral Health Research and Institute of Cellular Medicine; Newcastle University; Newcastle upon Tyne UK
20. University of Maryland; School of Dentistry; Department of Advanced Oral Sciences and Therapeutics; Baltimore MD USA
21. Department of Periodontology; University of Bern; Switzerland
22. Department of Periodontics; Augusta University Dental College of Georgia; Augusta GA USA
23. Restorative Dentistry and Periodontology; School of Oral and Dental Sciences; Bristol Dental School & Hospital; Bristol UK
24. Research Unit for Oral-Systemic Connection; Division of Oral Science for Health Promotion; Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences; Niigata Japan