Model‐Based Architectural Patterns for Teaching Systems Engineering


Lohar Bhushan1,Cloutier Robert1


1. University of South Alabama 150, Student Services Drive Mobile AL 36688


AbstractSystems Engineering (SE) may be one of the fastest‐evolving engineering disciplines today. With each technological innovation, the practice of systems engineering is challenged to adapt. Two such practices that have been appearing in university curricula are Model‐Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Architectural Patterns. The combination of MBSE and patterns has proven to be a powerful construct. This paper looks at the use of a space‐based patterns library (language) in a graduate‐level system engineering curriculum to teach MBSE. The International Council On Systems Engineering (INCOSE) “Systems Engineering Vision 2035” defines, that by 2035, the systems engineering practices will be based on a set of theoretical foundations and other general principles that are continuously taught as part of a systems engineering curriculum. This paper provides an approach and a solution to the needs of academic coursework for teaching model‐based systems engineering. The method presented in this paper details the usage of the pattern library concept developed for NASA and its usage by the systems engineering graduate students that eases the development of new space‐based systems architectures. Again, our objective is to incorporate INCOSE Vision 2035 in academia using Model‐Based Architectural Patterns for Teaching SE.



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3. Cloutier R. Verma D. &Boardman J.(2006).Application of Patterns to Systems Engineering and Architecting. Proceedings of the 16th Annual International Symposium of INCOSE July9–13.







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