1. Department of Geoscience, Section Terrestrial Palaeoclimatology Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen Hölderlinstr. 12 72074 Tübingen Germany
2. Department of Biological Sciences University of Cape Town Private Bag X3, Rhodes Gift 7701 Cape Town South Africa
3. Giraffe Conservation Foundation P.O. Box 86099, Eros Windhoek Namibia
4. Grup d'Investigació en Paleontologia de Vertebrats del Cenozoic (PVC‐GIUV), Departament de Botànica i Geologia Universitat de València València Spain
5. Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont c/ Columnes s/n, Campus de la UAB, Cerdanyola del Vallès 08193 Barcelona Spain
6. Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad Pje. Rumipamba N. 341 y Av. de los Shyris (Parque La Carolina) Quito Ecuador
7. Museum of Nature Hamburg Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change Martin‐Luther‐King‐Platz 3 20146 Hamburg Germany
8. Biocenter Grindel & Zoological Museum University of Hamburg Hamburg Germany
9. Section Palaeontology Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution & Palaeoenvironment (SHEP) Tübingen Germany